- The Sumo museum
- Sony HQ
- Harajuku
- The Imperial Palace Gardens
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Korean Style
Monday, November 23, 2009
Aparently Cold means Freezing
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Top 10 in Two Months
10. Virtual Golf- The ULTIMATE golfing experience!
9. Suncheon Bay- Wildlife preserve about 40 min from Yeosu
7. The park near our house- perfect place to go for a morning hike.
6. Hiking- It is beautiful here and we have found a new love for the outdoors
5. Mandu- Dumplings
4. Cooking seafood at home- So far we have done crab, mussels, clams, mackrel and mystery fish
3. Pageon- Korea veggie pancake you eat at the bar
2. Refrigerated cup holders in the table at the bar Long Life
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Week 6

Monday, October 19, 2009
Naganupsong and Suncheon Bay
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Another Event at the Sports Complex!
Monday, October 12, 2009
This weekend we stayed in Yeosu to rest and explore our new home. We had a great weekend filled with watching College Football on our new monitor, eating fajitas and exploring Dolsan-do. On Sunday our co-worker Lahn took Anthony and I to Dolsan-do Island with her family. She has two sons who are 8 and 10 and her husband is incredibly nice and giving. They have helped Anthony and I a lot since we got here. The island was beautiful. We hiked up to a budhist hermatage with an amazing view and then ended up going on a hike to the top of the mountain. It was a really great experience. It took about 2 hours to finish the hike and we finished in a small sea village. We ate lunch and then headed to the beach. Anthony tried to teach Lahn's boys how to skip rocks and we just relaxed for a while. It was very cool outside and the water felt great! Lahn and I looked for shells while the boys played in the water! It was just a really nice day. They invited us to dinner that night and we walked in Yeosu-dong. Everything is really going great here. We are liking it more everyday. Tomorrow will be four weeks since we got here! It is crazy that time has gone by so fast already. We will keep updating as much as possible.
Monday, October 5, 2009
On Saturday we got up and had bagels and coffee at noon and then went to the Changdeokgang Palace. It was SO cool. My first experience with an Asian palace was a great one. Within the palace walls is a secret garden and many beautiful buildings. Next we went to Insadong which turns into a pedestrian ave on Saturday and Sunday. It was by far my favorite neighborhood because off of the main road are these little alley ways that have vines lining the restaurant fronts and little birds cherping and hopping around. We went to a place called the Old Tea House and had green tea and rice cakes while listening to calming music. There is a natural spring that runs through Seoul and it has been constructed with walking trails, waterfalls and murals for the people to enjoy. While walking along it you wouldn't guess you were in the second largest city in the world, but then you look up and see dozens of high rises surrounding you. That is the coolest part about Seoul is that there are so many things to do that make the city seem small. For dinner on Saturday night we had Outback and it was AMAZING. A bloomin onion, alice springs chicken and Anthony's huge steak made for a filling meal and one that we will not have for a long time. It was a good day.
On Sunday Anthony was able to watch some of the A&M game and then we went to the fish market. I have never seen so much live seafood in one place! There were probably 500 stalls set up with fish, crab, lobster, 5 types of shrimp, clams, and anything else you can think of from the sea. All live and ready to be taken home to cook. Next we went to the Korean National Museum and saw artifacts and historical pieces from Korean as well as China, Vietman, and Japan. We finished the day back in Insadong with Indian food, which is way to hot for me as I discovered. So we resorted to street vendor food. It was a great alternative. We finished our great trip to Seoul at Top Cloud for drinks. It is a lot like the Rainbow Room in NYC, but more modern. Looking out over Seoul was a sight to see. It is such an enormous place. The candle light and jazz band created a really enjoyable atmosphere and I am sure that we will be back on our next trip.
Seoul is a city that people need to experience. The friendly Korean culture, the melting pot of people, museums and the dozens of different neighborhoods shape the city into one that is unlike any other place. While there you can forget that you are in Korea at all because it is so functional for Westerners and you see English speakers everywhere. We give it two thumbs up!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Disabled Olympics
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Almost 2 weeks
So, we are blessed to be in South Korea and to be around such nice people. We were invited to a lunch today with some of the city officials that work with us at Jinnam. There were about 20 people in all at the lunch and we were introduced to everyone by our official Mr. Cho. Here, there is a traditional dish called Bibimbap, which is rice mixed with tons of veggies, meat, red pepper paste, and sesame oil. Most put a twist on their's in some way, but Anthony and I have kept it pretty basic! It is actually delicious! We sat on the floor, which is traditional here. Too bad the tables are a little too small for Anthony! I think they were made for very small and flexable Koreans. Anthony and I both need to work on sitting Indian style for an hour without our legs falling asleep. I'm sure there is a way to train. We were also treated to dinner for the fourth night by our co-workers, Lahn and Mr. Shin. We are definately eating well thats for sure! I have attached a video that is a view from our apartment window so you can see how beautiful the land is here. It has been awesome waking up and looking out my window at such a different picture than what I am used to.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Yesterday was Sunday and it poured all day! We were planning to go to Dolsan-do Island, but the weather definitely kept us from doing that. Instead we opted for an outing to E-Mart. It is Korea's Wal-mart equivalent. It wa
We really had a good weekend of just being in Yeosu and enjoying ourselves. We are becoming more familiar with the city and the neighborhoods and feeling more at home! We are also learning more of the language! Stay tuned.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Home and Work
This beautiful place is where to come to work everyday! It has been so nice just walking around and looking at the flowers and listening to the bugs and birds in the afternoon. As you can see it is very hilly. They really aren't so much mountains, but we have heard that there are some really cool places to hike around. Since we have been here our only day trip has been to Odong-do Island. It is a famous island because the entire island is a botanical garden. This weekend we plan to visit another island called Dolsando. It is supposed to have a temple that you can hike to and it has a beautiful view of the water! We'll see. Check back on Monday to see what we did for the weekend!
Thursday, September 24, 2009